7 Ways to Build Trust & Get More Conversions

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The low hanging fruit of usability is trust. When you create a “safe” environment for your users, you make your site inherently more usable and thus more likely to convert.

build trust

So, take off the used car salesman jacket and put on your best suit.

Here are 7 ways to help your show that hard won traffic the respect they deserve:

1.Be crystal clear about what you are offering

If users don’t fully understand the benefits of your product or service, it’s a good bet they will click over to a site that does give them the information they want.

A snappy sales pitch is not enough, and being vague will just make you seem dodgy.

2.Give Your Info

People want to know there are real, caring individuals behind that glossy storefront.

List your company’s physical address on your Contact page or some other obvious location like the footer.

If you have a B2B website, add your mug shot to your Profile page, your header, or even the homepage.

The latter two options may feel strange at first if you’re the shy type, but if you are in an industry that relies heavily on one-to-one relationships such as coaching or consulting, a photo of the big cheese can add a welcoming touch.

3.Write great and engaging content

Write articles or informative bytes pertaining to your products and services and archive them on your website or business blog.

This demonstrates expertise as well a sincere commitment to your profession. If necessary, hire an editor to clean up and proof your writing to ensure you put your best foot forward.

4.Avoid Typos

Speaking of writing, make sure the copy on your site is flawless.

Nothing takes a website from good to bad more quickly than typos, grammatical errors, and plain old bad writing.

Again, if your abilities fall short of this standard, hire an editor, preferably someone who has experience writing or editing for the web.

5.Show off you'r affiliations

If you are affiliated with other reputable businesses or organizations whose products or services compliment yours, you’ve got bragging rights.

Use small, hyperlinked icons to display professional memberships; add a brief comment or two if appropriate.

Keep it subtle and only show affiliations that are relevant to the business you’re in.

6.Show your credibility

Sprinkle the entire site with testimonials rather than a lone Testimonial page. For credibility, each testimonial should include the name of a real person, their company and title, and either a link to their website or a telephone number.

Solid testimonial from like minded individuals is perhaps one of the most powerful tools you can use to garner confidence in the value of your offerings.

7.Keep information up to date

Ensure the information provided on your site is accurate and up to date.

This includes checking for outdated or broken links on a regular basis as well as letting your prospects know about important changes going on within your business.

Nothing shouts “We don’t care!” like stale information, pages that don’t load, and utilities or functions that don’t work.

Bottom line

Whether you work online or off, marketing is all about getting to that happy place where it just feels right to spend some money.

So, when a warm handshake is not possible, these tactics help your visitors to feel the love, and that is the edge you need when thousands of competitors lurk just a click away.
