Researching keywords on YouTube is about to get easier is reader-supported and the following article contain affiliate links, When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

YouTube has released Search Insights, a new experimental feature. It aims to make keyword research easier so creators can create more content about topics that interest them.

Search Insights will help you collect more data

Search Insights is a tool that helps creators find out more about their audience, the approximate search volume for a query, and whether there is any “content gap”. The data will allow creators to plan their content.

As a creator, every one will be able make their own decisions and become more familiar with the interests of his/her audience. As the data accumulates, it does not only refer to one user but allows creators to see what people are searching for.

Two Search Insights components for creators

Two important parts make up the Search Insights tool. The first is the ability for the creator to see which YouTube keywords are being searched by the viewers. The second is the ability for viewers to search YouTube for specific keywords.

The system will provide creators with the ability to find the gaps in the data. If surfers cannot find results for a specific search query, or the existing content has been deemed to be low quality (according YouTube), then the query will be listed under “content gap”.
